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Baby Orcas Spotted Swimming Near Vancouver Island (VIDEO)

baby orcas

Photo: fivestarwhales / IG

You know what’s more exciting than seeing a pod of orcas – seeing a pod of orcas with baby orca calves.

A group of divers from Five Star Whale Watching were lucky enough to see a small cluster of orcas swimming by their boat, off of Vancouver Island on Monday, March 15.

This caught the group by surprise as it was around 11:30 am and seeing the orcas was not expected. However, what made the impromptu visit more special was capturing the orca calf.

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Watch The Baby Orca Swim

These orcas are knows and Bigg’s killer whales. They are different from the southern resident orcas, which are endangered.

Orcas, also known as Killer whales, are common to the area and found to regularly swim there from other regions of the coast, as there is prey available in the Beecher Bay area. The orcas typically feed on seals and sea lions.

Last year, researchers did discover the birth of a new southern resident killer whale, which was confirmed to be female. Researchers also say it’s important for females of the species to be born to help increase the population.


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